Friday, February 20, 2009

This time I have a Dr.'s note....

I have been absent from blogging (again I know!!) but this time it's because I have been ill.. ill as in 3 times in one month! First it began as a simple icky cold at the very end of January. You know the icky cold right.. the runny nose, some congestion, and annoying coughing that take a week to get out of your system. Your not quite on your deathbed.. but your not quite dancing the jigg either.. sorta like this.......

So I recovered from the icky cold.. and was feeling great! Then last Monday (the 9th just in case you wanted to know) I started getting the icky cold all over again. So of course I start drinking Theraflu that night and a dose of Nyquil in hopes they would kick the cold onset to the curb. But my body had other plans. By 10 am the next morning (while attempting to work) I was burning up with a fever and spent the next 3 days drugged up on various cold medicines.... looking something like this... maybe not quite as green though.

Thanks to J (who is an excellent nurse) I began feeling better the day before Valentines Day.. and we ended up spending a great day together with no sickness in sight. Little did either of us know that I'd wake up Sunday with awful diarrhea which eventually turned into vomiting the night away....

By the way, I know you all wanted to know about my digestive system. So I spent Monday sleeping and relaxing thinking I picked up the stomach bug that everyone else seems to be getting. Went to work Tuesday... and within 2 hrs I was back to having issues and abdominal pain. I ended up going to the Medical Aid Unit where the lovely Dr there informed me I had gastroenteritis.. an inflammation of my stomach and intestines due to a virus. So I spent the next two days at home eating crackers, drinking water, and ginger ale.. because that was all I could stand to eat. For the most part I am feeling much better. I'm still having problems with abdominal cramping/pain and I'm still not really eating.

So note to all of you out there... do not get this if at all possible. It's wretched! My goal for this weekend... rest and enjoy time with J... and my goal for next two weeks is to actually work a full 80 hrs... instead of working 4 days and 6 hrs. I'll be posting the stuff I found for Valentine's day and will hopefully be back to somewhat normal posting soon!