Monday, December 31, 2007


I hope everyone has a safe and FUN New Years Eve and an even better 2008!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sincerely Sorry

For not posting anything for a week or so. We have been in the chaotic process of moving everything out of storage and out of my mother's house into the new house. It's like Christmas x2 with unwrapping things I haven't seen in two years! On my random free moments I have been cruising some of the mini spring collections that are now coming out! So have no fear in the next few days there will be lots of fun colorful posts coming out! Plus once I dig out the camera from wherever it's hiding I promise to post the house pictures (before all of our stuff was spread out all over it). So have no fear I will eventually be back to my normal self!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

What a weekend!!!

It has been a whirlwind weekend for us... the best news of all though is.... I finally own a house!!!We've been under a ton of stress for the last 2 weeks dealing with multiple mortgage issues, doing 2 different "walks" on the house to make sure things were done properly, working an insane amount of overtime and oncall to make sure everything would be ok for settlement... the list goes on and on. But it was all worth it when at 745 pm on Friday 12/21 I got the keys!! I have tons of pictures to get online for all of you to see.. but for now this is the front of our brand new house.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I love the idea of these shelves that hold picture frames or art.. three different sizes you can arrange anyway you like and then whenever you feel like switching up the art or pictures you don't have to put more nail holes in the wall!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


I am obsessed with the line Fresh... everything from their skincare to their fragrance I just love. So I'm obviously upset that I am now out of my favorite product of all.. the Brown Sugar Body Polish. It's a little pricey but definitely worth the splurge to make your skin feel that smooth, and you can smell it on yourself for most of the day.

This makes your face feel so good... and it smells delectable!! You could almost eat it...

Favorite mascara...

I need more of this!!

Can't wait to smell this...


If and when I ever have a Christmas Party (or should I say holiday party?) I will definitely have these napkins...

Oh Poop

A few weeks ago I posted this beautiful duvet cover by West Elm that Steph actually bought. Well she finally got it in the mail this week, and it isn't as white as it appears in this picture. Apparently it's more of a tanish "natural" color. Which seriously disappoints both of us because we just loved the detail on it. This just goes to show that sometimes shopping online isn't all that great.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Tiffany Christmas Tree

See all those Tiffany's boxes under that tree??? I would love to wake up Christmas morning with all those blue and white boxes sitting right under my tree!! And I have no idea who that girl is... This is the Tiffany's Christmas Tree at the Somerset House in London


As of right now there is this hideous light in our kitchen over the island, the kind of long fat plastic light thing that just does not fit in with the kitchen. This is what it sorta looks like... just longer.. and odder..

Everything from here down is what I am currently in love with.. the colors are just fabulous and would definitely look amazing with our kitchen.

I apologize...

I haven't felt very inspired to write in my blog lately... mostly because there has been an insane amount of stress over the last week over the mortgage and hopefully getting it finalized in time for us to close on our house next Friday. But today I woke up after getting a good long sleep feeling better than I have all week. Jason and I went to Old New Castle and walked through all the shops and enjoyed being out and about in the cool winter weather as well as seeing all of the old houses decorated. Tonight we drove down and attempted to "break in" our house, but they actually had everything sealed up tight. But it reminded us what we're stressing over for and how in love we are with this house. After driving home and stopping to look at various Christmas light displays throughout the state I am ready (and re inspired) to start posting again!! So I apologize to all of you for not keeping you amused or inspired over the last few days (and to Dana for being grumpy at work which in turn made her grumpy too :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I Sing Stupid Songs

I do not sing stupid songs.. because I know I cannot sing and therefore I do not do it...but Erin does!! Erin now has her own blog (I am inspiring lots of people to get their own blog) and everyone should go check it out. Even though it only has 2 posts at the moment. Enjoy!

Monday, December 10, 2007


And since I'm on a green kick found this flower pillow from Room & Board

A hint of spring

Since it's been raining all day I felt like searching for cute umbrella's and found this one from Doe. I just love the green color!!


I found this blog where the artist tries to paint a new piece of art every day... and a few days ago he painted these oranges.. which makes me want to go to warm sunny Florida and pick fresh oranges off a tree... I'm odd I know.

Things That Piss Me Off

Usually I am very upbeat... but I just read THIS article and it just really pisses me off...

Something just for Dana

This post is for Dana, and if you don't know her, lemme explain her. We are co-workers, and she is now obsessed with my blog, which is great, I wish everyone was obsessed with my blog, but I digress. She is also vegetarian (or maybe even vegan, right now I can't remember which so I profusely apologize and will even update my blog when she tells me). So I told her I would find something to post for her since she constantly reminds us about the baby seals that are suffering or rabbits or whichever (all said with love and sarcasm at the same time)... so I searched for PETA shirts and found these two that remind me of her. I hope she likes them.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

House Update # 2 or 3

We went and saw the house today!! It's looking rather awesome if I do say so myself!! And while I'm dying for all of you to see it.. I think I'll only post one pic and save the rest for the house warming party I will eventually have. The finish touches are all going on and in 13 days we are supposed to have settlement.. so until then you will all just have to deal with this shot that Jason took the day after it snowed.


I first saw these on Something Old, Something New then again today on Love Made Visible. I love how you can either search threw their designs, or even play with applet and create your own! I personally love the full moon ones (which are all sold out... booo ) and the coral series as well...


A few months ago Blake Lively (from the show Gossip Girl... a show which I am utterly addicted to for no apparent reason) was on Regis and Kelly and wore these fabulous shoes by Gaetano Perrone that I just love, not to mention several of his other styles. I love the square toe and the hidden platform in the heels.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

First Snow

There is something about snow that I just love... maybe it's how quiet everything becomes while it's snowing, almost like the world is at peace, or maybe it's just how beautiful everything becomes... either way I got outside tonight and took some pics of the first snowfall of the year and the fire we had going inside...

Reindeer Plates

Totally cute holiday plates, again from Pottery Barn

Window Shopping...

Last night I got to wander around the mall for an hour and 1/2 waiting to talk to an Apple Genius about my iphone... but I digress... so I found some inspiring things in Pottery Barn and then came home tonight and found even more...

Love Love Love Love these pillows in both green and red!

Cute Polka Dots!!

And this is the bed I have been drooling over for at least a year or two

Monday, December 3, 2007

The best boyfriend ever

Warning: This is a totally cheesey post!

Words cannot express what I owe Jason after what he's done for me/what I have put him through most of which happened today. So here it goes:

1. Thank you for cleaning up our dishes/fireplace/ house mess from yesterday for the showing at noon.
2. An even bigger thank you for not commenting on how klutzy and how retarded I am for trying to slide a big box down the stairs while walking backwards, and making sure I did not need to go to the hospital (multiple times) after I fell down and over the basement stairs and landed flat on my back and wacking my head on the wicker chair and then on the floor (and yes this was, and still continues to be, very painful).
3. For making my favorite dinner ever.
4. For keeping your swearing to a "quiet" minimum when I told you I think I lost my diamond earrings you gave me for Christmas last year, and then for attempting to ignore me after I found them on the basement floor right near where I konked my head, even though you were sitting there similing behind your laptop when I tried to get you to pay attention to me.

Miserable Monday

Today has been the most awful day I have had in a long time... and I'm not even going to go into why at the moment. This weekend Jason and I decided that we may get a new kitty after we've been in the new house for awhile. While Jason was searching around the Humane Society website he found this adorable looking kitty (named Sassafrass) who could almost be Zoe's twin!! So I'm posting it because I just can't resist two adorable kitties.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

And the ornament eating begins...

While Jason and I are sitting here enjoying a fire listening to some music and enjoying the little christmas tree in the family room we happen to notice Zoe heading straight for the tree and it's ornaments. Luckily I got a pic of her sneaking under the tree heading straight for one. I couldn't help but post it and a few other classic Zoe Christmas pics from the past 3 years.

The guilty look says it all... '07

Zoe and her red ribbon from Coach Xmas '06

And her gift box.. she's got some good taste Xmas '06

Why did Aunt Amy stick this thing on my head Xmas '05

Hiding among the presents.. Zoe's first Xmas '04

Is this whole piano for me?? Xmas'04

Ceiling Fan

One night Jason and I were watching some design show on HGTV and we fell in love with this ceiling fan that is based off the old style table top fans. It would be perfect in our study :)


My favorite Christmas movie of all time...


Found this gardening supply store online called Jamali that has a ton of wonderful things for the holidays and then for the rest of the year as well...

Love the richness and the colors of these duponi silk pillows

A few of these sprinkled throughout a xmas tree filled with white lights and my silver bells (thanks mom) would look amazing

Love the poinsettia wreath...