Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all of you!! My family celebrates two Easters... Of course the one that happens today, but we also celebrate Greek Orthodox Easter which will happen at the end of April. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Images from Williams Sonoma


Looks like we have another potential blogger in our house... I tried to get a pic of her playing on the keyboard but she was too quick...

Another duvet...

While in my quest for green... I found this adorable duvet cover from PB which has polka dots instead of the typical lines.

I love it in both the green apple and the powder blue:

We finally have one of 3 guest beds! I have become obsessed with having a bedroom that has green accents in it, even my sister has started telling me about where she saw a green bedroom set. So while at Bed Bath & Beyond last weekend I saw this... Thoughts?!?!

It's not too green, and I think has the right amount of color for spring and summer. Jason does not really care for it, of course. He likes beige, beige, and more beige, oh and anything by Nautica.


I love this digital red Gucci watch. It was designed along with 7 other pieces for 8-8-2008 and to commemorate the Olympic summer games which are in Bejing. The "8" and the red are symbols of traditional Chinese culture. (Which I didn't know until I googled it).

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Finally Introducing...

Well we finally found a kitty!! I got a phone call Friday night that there were 2 new kittens at PetSmart right across the street from the hospital. So I ran there after work and was totally in love with both. But one was already taken. So after discussing with Jason on the phone we put in an application for "Dora" and low and behold on Sat we found out we got to pick her up and take her home that afternoon! So I am pleased to show everyone Ms. Samantha Mavrantonis-Dawes (what a mouthful!)

She's all black and is totally adorable. Right now Zoe and her have only come face to face 4 times, with each time there is less hissing going on. So over the next few days it will be interesting to see what happens!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What a day....

Today I turned 28... and it feels pretty damn good. It was a whirlwind of events starting with work, squeezing in a Dr's appointment (how not fun) more work... and then coming home to be with Jason. Being the socialite that I am (ha!) I will be continuing to celebrate my birthday for at least another week with family and friends (both of which usually end up being trouble). One of the girls at work made me a lovely (and very very very delicious cake). I've received a gazillion phone calls, emails, text messages, and myspace messages from everyone wishing me a happy birthday. Which makes me grateful to have so many wonderful friends and family members in my life.

The only downside to the day was that we found out we wouldn't be getting little Betsey... our application was approved but somehow someone else had an application in for her before us (even though we were told we were the first) ... bummer.. But our search for a kitty is on and hopefully soon we will have one for Zoe to play with.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


The latest Zoe picture. This blue flower housey thing is something I got Zoe when she was a weee little thing. She didn't like it. It ended up in my mother's attic, but now it's back at my house. And she loveessss it. So much so that at night she now sleeps downstairs in this thing vs upstairs on her chiropractic pillow (which she stole from me).


Anyone know of a good place to get a throw for the couch? I was thinking of finding one in a light blue color to pick up the light blue scrolls in the pillows. But no one seems to have light blue!!! Found these instead...

1st and 2nd images courtsey of West Elm, 3rd Image courtsey of Crate & Barrel

I loveeeee this cashmere throw from Restoration Hardware... however I'm not about to spend $149 on something my cat will use more than me!


The couches came in last week and here are the final pictures!!!

Baby duty

How cute are these pillowcases for new parents?!?!!! Courtesy of WryBaby

For Jess

A very special HAPPY 28th BIRTHDAY to Jess... who is 6 days older than I am and who lives way to far away. This piece totally reminds me of you. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and I miss you!!!