Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What a day....

Today I turned 28... and it feels pretty damn good. It was a whirlwind of events starting with work, squeezing in a Dr's appointment (how not fun) more work... and then coming home to be with Jason. Being the socialite that I am (ha!) I will be continuing to celebrate my birthday for at least another week with family and friends (both of which usually end up being trouble). One of the girls at work made me a lovely (and very very very delicious cake). I've received a gazillion phone calls, emails, text messages, and myspace messages from everyone wishing me a happy birthday. Which makes me grateful to have so many wonderful friends and family members in my life.

The only downside to the day was that we found out we wouldn't be getting little Betsey... our application was approved but somehow someone else had an application in for her before us (even though we were told we were the first) ... bummer.. But our search for a kitty is on and hopefully soon we will have one for Zoe to play with.

Hope everyone has a great week!

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