Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Where did April Go?!?!

I have been insanely absent from blogging. There has been so much going on since the last post I feel as though April just whizzed right by and I have little seconds of images reminding me I actually did things this month. This is a rather long post... but it might give you an idea to the craziness that has gone on.

So first the house updates:
We had an entire 2 days worth of cluster fuck in our house... mostly in the basement, in which they tore up a nice U shaped section of our floor, took out some crappy ass pipe that was slanted wrong and was perforated (hello H2O under our basement floor!!), put a new one in, then repoured a new U shaped section of the floor. This created a massive amount of concrete dust throughout the basement. Luckily Jason is smart and blocked off as many of the areas and the stairs with plastic so the dust was slightly confined to the one biggest area of our basement. All this commotion meant the cat's litter stuff was moved upstairs (greattttt). So after a week of dust, and Jason's amazing dedication to cleaning the basement for hours and hours, everything is back to our normal chaos.

During this whole 2 day process we made them tear up our walkway (because parts of it were grey and slanted vs. the white sidewalk it should be) and then repour that.
Before: Grey and Slanted
After: Freshly Poured... straight... and eventually a beautiful white!

And last but not least, our yard was FINALLY graded properly, more ugly brush/weed crap was cleared out from the back, and we now have grass seed down and hopefully we'll start seeing grass soon... and not dirt. I am so sick of looking at dirt. Dirt seems to be everywhere... in the yard, in our shoes, in our kitchen... blech!!
It's sort of hard to tell in this picture but if you can see the darker dirt that was all filled in with brush, weeds, yucky plants, and god knows what else. Now that it's gone we probably have an extra 8 feet or more of backyard space. Below is the picture of the yard after being graded. This whole yard project also took up a whole weekend of raking up hay before they graded and then another whole day spent remulching our gardens up front to get all the concrete dust out of it.

And now for the kitty updates:

Sam is doing fantastic and is constantly running around like a crazy kitty. She just loves to voice wherever she is in the house when we are not paying attention to her. She also likes to sit in our shower afterwards and wait for those extra drops of water to come down.

Unfortunately her buddy Zoe (who keeps her busy running around) is not doing so hot. A little over a week and a half ago Zoe's right eye started watering like crazy. In a matter of hours this turned into yucky green stuff ouzing out, and a very swollen, red, and painful looking eye. Of course this all happens on a Saturday night. So Jason and I rush Zoe up to the Emergency Vet to find out Zoe has "conjunctivitis" otherwise known as pink eye in humans. This is what Zoe came home looking like:

Obviously Zo was not all that happy about the lovely collar, and so she walked backwards for hours, moped around, and got stuck constantly on the carpet. All this hard "work" paid off... and she eventually got it off... multiple times. For 10 days Jason and I had to put this lovely goo in her eye 4 times a day to help it clear up. We were very excited to be coming to an end of those 10 days when not only does the right eye flair back up, but now the LEFT EYE has decided to join in on the fun! This caused for another immediate visit to the vet (thankfully not the ER Vet) and it has now been determined that Zoe has some kind of virus that she may have picked up from Sam (who was the carrier of said virus), and it is affecting her immune system.

Zoe now gets her eyes flushed out 2 times a day, a pill once a day for 14 days, new goo 2 times a day for 14 days, and some kind of immune system gel rubbed in her gums 2 times a day for 6 WEEKS!!!! Hopefully all of this anti virus/inflammatory stuff helps clear this whole situation up, otherwise I may be forced to bang my head against every wall in this house. And that in a very large nut shell is what happened in April.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Banana Love

I went perusing threw Old Navy, Gap, and Banana Republic's websites tonight (trip down memory lane from those old Gap days!) and was extremely excited to find multiple accessories I love from Banana...


Lovvinggg these Eyelet Ballet Flats from Gap

Flip Flop?!?

I adore my flip flops and I stumbled across these from Old Navy. Not sure if I'm liking the straps...


Well my computer had issues all weekend long, but thanks to Jason it is finally fixed. Just a few more things that need to be done and I'll be back to posting!! YAY!!! Meanwhile I've updated some of the links on my Obsessions and you should definitely check some of them out!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Kitty Montage

Summer Purse

Found this lovely purse via Piperlime from Furla

Yes I am a Slacker...

Things have been a little hectic since Easter and I have been a posting slacker. First of all the kitties are running around like crazy things. We had a little rough patch for 2 days last week where they just didn't seem to click. But they seem to have gotten over that squabble phase and now run and play, tumble, watch the birds together, and eat each other's food. They even occaisionally rub on each other without hissing! For all of you who know Zoe... this is nothing short of a miracle.

The day after Easter we recieved some furniture!! My mother finally sold her house (closing is April 12th) and that means that we now have a dining room set! I was sooo nervous about it because when we measured the table we thought it was just barely going to fit in our dining room. Well we were obviously wrong because it looks awesome! Now we just have to repad and change the fabric on the chair bottoms and fill up the china cabinet with my china and crystal glasses. That's right I'm 28 years old and I have not 1 but 2 sets of china.

We also recieved 2 wing back chairs (which I am totally finding slip covers for) and a few end tables. I promise to have pictures of all these things once it's light out enough for you to actually see things.