Monday, December 3, 2007

The best boyfriend ever

Warning: This is a totally cheesey post!

Words cannot express what I owe Jason after what he's done for me/what I have put him through most of which happened today. So here it goes:

1. Thank you for cleaning up our dishes/fireplace/ house mess from yesterday for the showing at noon.
2. An even bigger thank you for not commenting on how klutzy and how retarded I am for trying to slide a big box down the stairs while walking backwards, and making sure I did not need to go to the hospital (multiple times) after I fell down and over the basement stairs and landed flat on my back and wacking my head on the wicker chair and then on the floor (and yes this was, and still continues to be, very painful).
3. For making my favorite dinner ever.
4. For keeping your swearing to a "quiet" minimum when I told you I think I lost my diamond earrings you gave me for Christmas last year, and then for attempting to ignore me after I found them on the basement floor right near where I konked my head, even though you were sitting there similing behind your laptop when I tried to get you to pay attention to me.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, what would we do without the wonderful men in our lives...???? I have had a few of these moments also and John handles them in a very similar fashion. I love your blogs, I think I may be obsessed with you!!!

Anonymous said...

Yup, he's definitely a keeper! :-)

Anonymous said...

And glad to hear you're OK! Jeeze, woman! :-p ~SS