Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm back!!!

I have SERIOUSLY been blog slacking... I've tossed the idea back and forth about deleting it...but I don't think I'm ready to do that just yet. I get totally inspired in the fall and winter months so we'll see how this goes. I can't promise daily or weekly updates... but I will give it my best!

So what have I been up to since the begining of Sept? I (technically we) have not managed to do much of anything to the house other than yard work and cleaning. Two months left till I can paint a wall in the house! Which means I have put up and taken down multiple paint choices. I've carved pumpkins, made a fall wreath, and gilded some pumpkins (a post about all this is in the works).

In one week I celebrated the future birth of "niece or nephew"... (will find out in January!!.)... and mourned the loss of a wonderful and caring Aunt to ovarian cancer. In that same crazy week I was able to laugh,scream, and relive a part of my childhood, with 7 wonderful ladies at a New Kids On The Block concert (yes I went and IT WAS AWESOME!!!)

We celebrated J's 34th Birthday and our first Halloween in the new house all on the same day. Samantha turned 1 on November 1st and has grown immensely (wait till you see the pics!). She has also stolen J from me. We have put up birdfeeders in the backyard (J's obsession..and slowly becoming mine!) and enjoyed the fall weather.

So a lot has happened... and still happening... can't wait to show you all!

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