Sunday, January 18, 2009

A little love.....

I found boldLoft while searching for some gift ideas for Valentines Day ... these are the most adorable pillows ever!! They also have some t-shirts and coffee mugs.

Guest Bedroom #1 .. Ideas

So besides getting to decorate the master bedroom I get to decorate 3 other ones too! I suppose I should let J have an opinion.. but he would probably tell me to find a bed.. pick out a Nautica bed set and he'd be happy. This will not do.

My ideas for design change on a monthly (sometimes daily) basis. When I lived in my apartment I had 4 duvet covers (one for each season), a gorgeous soft red velvet and silk quilt (booo on Pottery Barn for changing them!!!) , and several small throws that I would switch up on the couch. This is also why I am going with paler/neutralish wall colors, so that I can switch up the look of the room at the drop of my wallet.

The one thing I do know that I want for this particular guest bedroom is this gorgeous Crate & Barrel Colette Bed.

and I'm totally painting the room a gorgeous silvery grey color. I first fell in love with that color after seeing this image

Then I want these cute mirrored bedside tables I saw at Pier 1 for way cheaper then anywhere else I've seen them!

The only thing else I need to figure out is drapes and bedding. Depending on the bedding the room could either be a serene retreat.. or there could be a pop of color in the bedding. So this totally suits me because I can switch it up whenever I want!!!!

Dining Room

Out of all the rooms in our house... one is fully furnished... the dining room. This is thanks to M and her dining room set which is gorgeous.. except maybe the fabric on the chairs.

At some point early on in my teenage years M decided to redo the fabric on the chairs. So she took me with her (and maybe Ames too) and this is what we ended up with. I used to love this fabric (remember this was the around the early 90's). Needless to say I no longer love this fabric... and the chairs need to be recushioned anyway.

Hard to tell in the pic (apparently my iphone does not love the lighting in the front half of the house) but we have a chair rail and beautiful molding work below it. I want to paint the top half to make it stand out. I was thinking of doing a deep chocolate brown, which M and Ames gave the ax to. I saw one of the model homes in our development had the chocolate brown (see below).. but that room is longer and slightly larger than mine. M and Ames think it might be too much in my room.

So my two main goals are to 1. figure out a good paint color (remember the living room is directly across from this and is going to be a pale yellow). 2. figure out a fabric that would stand out against the beautiful mahogney table. 3. Find curtains and hang art.

Some people have suggested I find the fabric then paint.. others have suggested curtains then fabric and paint... and then there is the rest that suggest paint then everything else.

Out of all the rooms in the house.. this is the one I can (or at least should be able to) actually finish, since there is no need buy furniture.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy 2009.... a little late!

Happy New Year!!!

I just realized I have yet to post anything in the new year... how rude of me!

Our new years was rather uneventful.. we had planned to go to S & Q's house for a great party.. but for the 3 days leading up to New Years Eve I was feeling rather crappy with a nice big chest cold... it seriously felt like someone was just sitting on my chest. I couldn't even make it from the car to the door without feeling short of breath. It was awful. I did feel slightly better that day.. but I just wasn't up for the normal New Years craziness. So J took me to see the Curious Case of Benjamin Button.. which I HIGHLY recommend. I loved it. It makes you think about life and love... it was great.

2009 so far (18 days in anyway) has been rather uneventful. We are STILL waiting to have our "11 month walk"... which was supposed to happen sometime around the end of November and now is supposed to happen Feb. 10th. Keep your fingers crossed. We've officially owned the house for over a year now (as of Dec. 21st).. so you know I'm dying to paint to start putting our own stamp (really it's my stamp) on the place.

I think I've decided on the paint (a pretty pale yellow) for the living room... and I am seriously considering painting the powder room a light blue after seeing a similar color in my Aunt and Uncles powder room. I also know I want to paint one of the guest rooms a pretty light silvery/grey. I have a whole post planned on that room as soon as I finish finding images.

J spent most of last week sick and is finally feeling better (then again who hasn't been sick!!). We went and saw Revoluntiary Road last night and it was definitely worth seeing. Next up is going to see Bride Wars (a total chick flick but I'm dying to see it anyway) and I'd love to see Rachel Getting Married and Milk. I've heard both are very good films.

We just watched the Eagles lose to the Cards... very heartbreaking. Honestly thought they could go all the way. By the way... while watching the Steelers/Ravens game I keep seeing commercials for The Mentalist.. and let me just say how YUMMY (Steven James) the main character is!! Has anyone watched the show and if so is it any good?!?